Dental Care in inflammation of the tooth nerve

The preservation of your own teeth is our primary goal, because your teeth are a part of you! Therefore you should not just loose them, if you can avoid it. An inflammation of your tooth nerve must not lead to tooth loss. A root canal treatment can usually fix the problem. "To preserve your own teeth throughout your entire life, do not wait until you have toothache. Because toothaches are always a warning sign and must be treated quickly!" 
Call us and we will help you quickly and competently with your dental problem.


The pulp is the "heart" of your tooth. It consists of blood vessels and nerves, which keep your tooth alive.

A root canal treatment is needed when your tooth is exposed to a continuous stimulus. The dental pulp becomes inflamed due to an untreated deep decay, too high or nerve near fillings, traumatic occlusion, traumatic nerve opening or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of dental inflammation are initially increased sensitivity to cold and later on hot stimuli, increasingly radiating pain at night and pain of occlusion. By changing between acute (painful) and chronic (pain-free) stage of inflammation, coming and going toothache are typical.

Is the diseased tooth nerve dead, the toothache stops. However, the bacteria produce toxins that lead through the root canals and cause a local jawbone resolution. Left untreated, the infection spreads into the soft tissue and causes a painful and dangerous swelling, an abscess, which can ultimately lead to tooth loss. 

Our dentists recognize based on evident diagnosis, the need for treatment of your existing tooth nerve inflammation and can prevent your tooth loss.

In the Dental Clinic Lucerne the principle of utmost care and the use of the latest technical methods is applied. Automated systems ensure a fast and gentle root canal treatment.

The root canal treatment is performed under local anesthesia and is therefore painless. Usually two to three sessions are necessary. 

The affected tooth is isolated from the other teeth by a rubber dam and then drilled. After endometrial measurement of channel lengths, all inflamed tissue from the root canal is removed by single-use files. After treatment, repeated disinfection and drying of the root canals, they are filled with an antibacterial drug and the tooth is closed bacteria-proof with a temporary filling.



Once the tooth is free of symptoms, the resulting root canal cavities are filled by your dentist with gutta-percha. 

Due to the lack of nutrients over the tooth nerve, the tooth becomes brittle and fragile. Depending on still existing tooth substance, the tooth is stabilized with a composite material or a crown with possibly prior core build-up structure. In this way, your teeth can be preserved a long time.

A root canal is an attempt, of tooth preservation. The prospects of success of a root canal treatment vary, depending on the degree of inflammation and involvement of the surrounding bone.

Our combination of cutting-edge treatment technology, permanent dental training and years of experience is that leads to success in the root canal treatment and prevents loss of teeth.

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