Gentle teeth whitening for a beautiful, white smile at any age!

A bright white smile appears attractive, beautiful and sympathetic and is your perfect business card. With white teeth, you are immediately perceived more positive by other people, because a white smile represents youthfulness, strength and health. Scientific studies have shown that there is no damage to dental tissue or tooth structure by bleaching with our used methods under supervision of a dentist. With our teeth whitening we offer a small treatment with a big impact on your self-esteem!



Tooth discoloration can be caused by different factors such as the consumption of coloring substances like tobacco, tea, red wine and coffee. They can also be initiated from the inside by various diseases, drugs, accidents or nutritional deficiencies. Although the teeth are clean and free of plaque, they seem dark by the persistently incorporated pigments.

Mostly a professional teeth cleaning is not enough to make the teeth whiter again. Only by bleaching your teeth they get back their youthful, radiant white appearance. An oxygen donating gel is applied on your teeth, which dissolves the color pigments, without damaging the tooth substance.

No matter which bleaching method you choose - the durability of the result depends on your lifestyle and your individual oral hygiene. Ideally, you can preserve your dazzling smile for several years. An appointment for a re-bleaching is recommended at the earliest after 18 months.

After bleaching we treat your teeth with a high-dose fluoride preparation. Still hypersensitivity or a burning sensation of the oral mucosa can occur after bleaching. That's why you always get a special toothpaste against tooth sensitivity for use at home and the hypersensitivity usually disappears after few days.

Bleaching conditions

  • previous dental examination by your dentists in the Dental Clinic Lucerne
  • Removal of all plaque by a professional dental cleaning
  • Treatment of caries, leaking, discolored fillings or crowns, in order to achieve the desired aesthetic effect, because they can not be lightened.
  • No presence of gingival inflammation (gingivitis, periodontitis)
  • Your cooperation to maintain a long-term oral hygiene and oral health
  • Determination of the actual tooth color and jointly identifying the desired target color

We offer the most modern bleaching methods.

During Power Bleaching - in-Office Bleaching your teeth are whitened quickly, gently and effectively visible under supervision within a 90-minute session. First your gums are carefully protected by a light-curing gum gel. Then your teeth are coated with the highly effective whitening gel. This process is repeated until the desired white is achieved. This immediately gives your teeth a radiant, healthy white color. 

"You save time, because your time is important to us!"

For home bleaching - your bleaching at home, two appointments are needed. First, your dentist Lucerne takes imprints of your upper and lower jaw, to produce thin, see-through plastic splints for the bleaching applications. The first whitening treatment is carried out in the Dental Clinic Lucerne and you will be closely advised by our dental team how to bleach your teeth correctly step by step at home. With this method, the result is, however, only visible after a few weeks. 

The disadvantages of Home - Bleaching are in addition to the long duration of treatment, the misuse of the whitening gel, such as application on the gums or on sensitive root surfaces where it can cause chemical burns or it may be swallowed.

Walking Bleaching - Internal Bleaching is applied after a root canal treatment, especially in the anterior region of dark discolored teeth. Hereby, the whitening agent is applied into the tooth for several days and the tooth is lightened from the inside. This process can be repeated several times until you are satisfied with the result and your desired tooth shade is achieved. The success rate is about 76%.

"A confident, radiant white smile can work wonders!"

Talk to us about your wishes. We are here for you!


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