
Fixed teeth - for a lifetime

The ultimate goal of your dentists in the Dental Clinic Lucerne is to preserve your healthy and beautiful natural teeth. But due to illnesses, accidents or age, single teeth or entire rows of teeth can be lost.

The result: the loss of quality of life, because in addition to the disturbance of aesthetics, the chewing performance is reduced.

Our modern methods of treatment are smooth and gentle. Your mental stress will be reduced to a minimum due to our effective planning and time management.



With the help of modern dentistry lost teeth can very reliably be replaced with dental implants, artificial tooth roots made of pure titanium, which are inserted into the jaw bone and heal permanently within it. Hereby no foreign body reaction is triggered.

Dental implants take over the function of natural tooth roots and in this way provide a natural feeling. They form the basis for your new dental crown made of ceramic and serve as a stable connection to dentures.
In contrast to the fixed bridge, the healthy adjacent teeth do not need to be prepared.

With modern dental implants not only individual teeth but also whole rows of teeth can be replaced.

Dental implants are therefore the ideal solution for dentures after tooth loss - both from a functional as well as from an aesthetically point of view.

We will gladly advise you whether dental implants are the right solution for you. 


Aesthetic gap closure by means of a dental implant with a ceramic crown

Because this is affected by various factors such as i.a. systemic diseases, tobacco use and diabetes.

Gum disease (periodontitis) may lead to bone loss and make a bone augmentation necessary.

Dental implants are to 98% lifetime stable, provided that good oral hygiene is ensured and regular dental hygiene is performed. Hereby momentous inflammation of the implant bed (periimplantitis) can successfully be avoided.

Dental implant treatment procedure

The dental implant surgery is preceded by careful planning using preoperative made radiographs and possibly also study models. Hereby the available bone is measured and the best implant position as well as implant size is selected. After the surgical insertion of the dental implant into the tooth gap, a healing period between 2 to 6 months is followed. Hereby, the bone grows together with the titanium screw surface and forms an extremely resistant and stable unit.

The insertion of the dental implants is completely painless since it is performed under local anesthesia, hypnosis or general anesthesia. On the implanted artificial roots dentures, bridges or crowns can now be fixed .

Single crowns, fixed bridges or removable dentures gain stability and firm grip with dental implants. The typical slipping and sliding of dentures on the edentulous mandible, which can make speaking and chewing difficult and embarrassing, disappears. Dental implants can therefore not only improve the mastication, but also provide more self-confidence and quality of life.

If there is a long-term edentulism, usually there is a bone loss (bone atrophy) in the area of the missing teeth. The lost bone must, depending on the size, either previously or simultaneously be augmented during the dental implantation by a bone augmentation. If the necessary bone height on the upper jaw-side area is missing, then bone augmentation by means of a sinus lift must be performed.

Dental implants can only be placed in mature jaws with finished bone growth. Upwards there is no age limit. Dental implants can be placed even into old age, provided that the patient is in good health.

"We only use reputable implant companies with high quality implant systems that are scientifically proven and used over many years."

We inform you about every single step and of course clarify you in detail about the over all costs.  

After each tooth implantation you receive your personal implant passport.

Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Rosanna Himmelfarb
Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2021 (Aktualisiert: 17.10.2024)
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