Avoid tooth loss by early screening!

Periodontitis, commonly called periodontal disease, is a chronic inflammation of the gums. Periodontitis is caused by bacteria and can have serious consequences such as receding gums, tooth mobility and tooth loss if not treated. Periodontitis is an infectious disease, for example it can be transmitted by kissing. It is scientifically proven that 90% of all over -30s suffer from various forms of gum disease (periodontitis). The danger is that the initial inflammation is mostly painless. Pain and discomfort  are only noticed during the final stage, when it comes to tooth loss through loosening of the teeth.

"Call us on time, so you and your teeth stay healthy!"


Periodontitis is caused by plaque. If it remains on your teeth and your gums over an extended period of time, it will due to the bacteria in the plaque initially cause gingivitis and decay on the enamel. The initially reversible gingivitis can be stopped at an early stage by simple measures of dental hygiene, such as professional tooth cleaning.

Without therapy, particularly aggressive bacteria can attack the periodontal ligaments and lead to the more severe form of periodontal disease with bone loss. The chances of recovery then depend on how far the bone loss has already progressed.

If you notice the following symptoms, you should contact your dentists in the Dental Clinic Lucerne:

  • Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
  • Increase of space between the teeth
  • Swollen gums or greater sensitivity

  • Tooth mobility
  • Receding gums
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Changes of the bite
  • Pus between the teeth
  • Mouth sores

Risk factors of Parodontitis

Among the most widespread diseases in the mouth include are caries, directly behind gingivitis and periodontitis. Today more teeth are lost due to a bone bed disease (periodontitis) than through tooth decay. Systemic diseases such as i.a. Diabetes mellitus increase the risk of developing periodontitis. Smoking increases this risk even further by more than 20 times!

What many affected do not know: An untreated periodontitis increases according to various studies statistically the risk of heart disease and arteriosclerosis to twelve times, the prematurity - risk and low birthweight in seven times, heart attack and stroke risk in five times, diabetes, rheumatism and gastrointestinal diseases in many times.


The aim of the treatment of periodontitis is to stop the infection and to reduce the number of bacteria. By means of modern dentistry, the so-called biofilm, which contains the bacteria, is painlessly and gently removed by professional tooth cleaning and afterwards by subgingival mechanical and manual curettage (Deep scaling and root planing) and laser therapy of the deep gingival pockets. After smoothing and cleaning the tooth root surface, the bone and the gum can regenerate. 

Periodontitis can be stopped through this treatment, so that your own teeth can be preserved for a lifetime. Receding gums can be corrected by means of root coverage

With a dental healthy diet, good oral hygiene in daily life, a bi-annual professional tooth cleaning and annual check-ups at your dentist in your Dental Clinic Lucerne, you can effectively protect yourself against periodontal disease. Through our recall system you will automatically be reminded of your follow-up appointments and don`t have to worry about anything.

We gladly advise you. Call us 041 210 77 10 and let us do a check-up.

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