Dental crowns and bridges - your dentist for prosthodontics in Lucerne

No matter whether fixed crowns, bridges or implant reconstructions as well as removable restorations, we in the Dental Clinic Lucerne create your new teeth to measure, due to our modern dentistry

Feel free to contact us.

The basis for our sophisticated, aesthetic realization of your dental care, is our detailed diagnostic and planning. Due to this, the optimum solution for you will be tailored to your needs by us.

As specialized dentists for perfect dentures we are familiar with all kinds of dental work and are glad to advise you on the best matching solution for you.

In close cooperation with our dental laboratory we manufacture your new dentures individually for you as unique. Because our ultimate goal is your radiant smile and restoring your quality of life.


Dentures allow to restore your facial aesthetics, chewing function and your language when a tooth or several teeth are missing.

We are pleased to meet you.


Dental crowns - precise, functional and aesthetic

Who does not know the from a distance recognizable and unnatural looking crowns with additionally visible dark crown margins? You are therefore intimidated to laugh? This does not need to be. If a tooth has a large defect or old dental crowns need to be replaced, we are your partner for high quality crowns and bridges made ​​of ceramic.

Dental crowns are an option for teeth that have been damaged by decay or other external influences. They are placed on the prepared tooth, similar to a cap and cemented on this. Crowns strengthen ones own teeth and provide stability.

However, the supply of a tooth with a dental crown is only possible if the remaining part of the tooth is healthy and stable. Also no pathological findings in the root or bone area may be present. Otherwise, the findings must be corrected before treatment. For a dental crown is only as good as the underlying foundation.

We use metal-free ceramic crowns, which are preferred in the visible and esthetic zone over conventional metal-based crowns since they achieve the perfect cosmetic result. They are distinguished by superior aesthetics, since a light reflection and transparency (shine through) of the crown arises just like in a natural tooth.

Another advantage of the metal-free construction is the tooth-colored edge which guarantees an invisible transition to the gums. With conventional crowns a dark or even black shadow along the gumline is often unavoidable.

A "chipping / chip-off" is avoided by the use of special ceramics.

Bridges - your aesthetic gap closure

If an entire tooth with the root gets lost, it is possible to close the resulting gap with a fixed bridge. Again, we use metal-free ceramic bridges. Because ceramic crowns and ceramic bridges are literally invisible jewels at your dentist in lucerne.

A bridge needs two healthy adjacent teeth as attachment pillars. The bridge is cemented on two supporting pillars and the intermediate member, which fills the gap, sits on the gum.

Bridges can be an alternative to dental implants depending on the case.

Usually, the choice is a fixed construction, but an removable version is also possible. In case of accidents and acute damage you can of course immediately contact your emergency dentist lucerne.

All-ceramic dentures mostly last over 10 years and provide security in material and quality.

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