Gum correction - Root coverage

A harmonious coexistence of teeth and gums results in a beautiful smile. The overall picture, however, can be adversely affected by visible tooth roots (recessions) or an asymmetrical gum line. A recession is caused by the decline of the gums and the underlying alveolar bone. The cause may be a periodontal disease, as well as an incorrect brushing technique, a crooked tooth or a size mismatch between the tooth and alveolar bone. Other possible reasons are a thin gingiva width or the beginning of a lip or cheek ligament at the gingival margin.

A recession coverage is usseful not only from an aesthetic and functional point of view, but also because exposed root surfaces are more sensitive to hot or cold and more susceptible to decay.

Before treatment existing infections have to be removed, the patient has to be motivated for regular dental hygiene and proper brushing technique. Eventual misaligned teeth loads must be corrected.

Only then we perform a microsurgical gum reconstruction with or without a gum graft, depending on the initial situation.

Thanks to the mucogingival surgery your dentists in the Dental Clinic Lucerne can cover the visible tooth roots and stop a decline of your gums. The tooth is protected again and the harmonious overall image restored.

However, the chances of success depend on your individual initial situation. The decisive factors are, inter alia, your life factors such as oral hygiene and smoking, your gum type and severity of your disease.

Alternatively, a conservative treatment with a tooth-colored filling made of ceramic or composite is possible. By this the overall esthetic image is restored, and your teeth are permanently protected.

We are happy to make an individual planning and therapy after a thorough examination and consultation.

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