Snoring splint - Living longer and better

Each person spends about a third of his life sleeping. A healthy sleep is very important for us, because during sleep important, vital metabolic processes are proceeded in order to regenerate our bodies and recharge all our "batteries". This regeneration phase may be disturbed by breathing problems and snoring and the "charging" is performed incomplete.

We ensure that you and your partner get a peaceful sleep. Feel free to give us a call.


Between the age of 30-60 the number of snorers increases by 100%. Snoring is not only a significant disturbance for your bed partner, but a life-limiting and even life-threatening risk of your own life. This is because healthy sleep is essential for our health.

In sleep apnea, breathing is suspended at night, during this the body gets no oxygen and one can no longer sleep through healthy. This has a negative impact on your brain and your heart. Affected people develop high blood pressure, heart failure, have difficulty concentrating and suffer from daytime fatigue, which often leads to traffic accidents.

The only gentle alternative snoring therapy to CPAP mask or surgery, is the snoring splint.

A "Lower jaw protrusion splint" (snoring splint) can be used at harmless snoring as well as at mild to moderate severity of sleep apnea, to promote a restful sleep. The splint ensures that the lower jaw and tongue are moved forward. Hereby the tongue is prevented from falling backward and airways remain open during sleep. The breathing pauses and snoring are significantly reduced or even completely eliminated.

The effectiveness of our snoring splint has been proven in scientific studies. This latest splint generation for snoring treatment is adjusted exactly to the patient's jaw by using the latest CAD / CAM method. It is made of biocompatible plastic, is suitable for allergy sufferers and electro-sensitive people. The foreign body sensation is minimal thanks to the precise and delicate fit.

If you want to increase your quality of life by our snoring treatment, that is want to start sleeping without snoring, start the day refreshed and rested, as well as not disturbing your partner by snoring noises, then contact your dentist Lucerne!

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