Laughing gas sedation effect

Laughing gas or nitrous oxide is an inhaled sedative administered through a nasal mask during dental procedures. Laughing gas sedation is used to relax the patient and put them into a deeply relaxed stupor. As the patient, you will still be awake during the procedure and able to respond to the dentist's questions and follow instructions. However, you will not feel any pain or discomfort and will be able to remember everything after the treatment.


Treatment procedure

The laughing gas sedation is done via a small nasal mask that emits a mixture of oxygen and laughing gas. The mask itself is comfortable to wear and is left on for the duration of the treatment. The concentration of nitrous oxide is slowly increased at the beginning until the anxiety-relieving effect is achieved after a few minutes. This state remains throughout the entire treatment. Due to the reduced sensitivity to pain, patients often do not even notice the anaesthetic injection. After the treatment, the effect of laughing gas wears off very quickly after the mask is removed.


Has laughing gas been tested?

Laughing gas/oxygen anaesthesia has been used in dentistry for over 150 years and is applied millions of times a day worldwide. In Switzerland, too, laughing gas has been used for many years for various dental treatments. The professional administration of laughing gas is thus a tried and tested method of overcoming the fear of dental procedures.


What is laughing gas?

Laughing gas (nitrous oxide) is a colourless, non-flammable gas with a slightly sweetish odour and taste. As a stable molecule, it is quickly absorbed by the body. The depressant effect on the body depends on how much of it has been inhaled. However, the body does not process nitrous oxide, which is why no residues remain in the body after treatment.

Dental Anxiety Experts Dental Clinic Lucerne

What does laughing gas feel like?

A feeling of well-being sets in shortly after the first breath. As a patient, you almost immediately feel less anxious and experience a pleasant relaxation with a slight euphoria. You may also feel a tingling in your arms and legs or a feeling of heaviness in your limbs. After a few minutes, you should feel calm and comfortable enough to sit back and relax during your dental treatment.


Advantages of laughing gas treatment

The advantages of dental treatment with laughing gas are:

  • Gentle and individually controllable sedation
  • Suitable for all dental treatments
  • No more fear of syringes and drills
  • Gag reflex and swallowing reflex are greatly minimised
  • Full consciousness and protective reflexes of the body are retained 
  • Pain sensation is greatly reduced


Risks and side effects of laughing gas

Sedation with laughing gas is considered the safest form of sedation available to modern dentistry and is well tolerated by most patients. It sets in quickly, can be adjusted to different concentrations and is non-allergenic. The patient remains fully conscious and retains all natural reflexes. He is also able to respond to questions or requests during the procedure. After the treatment, the patient can leave the practice independently and participate in normal daily life without restrictions.


For whom is nitrous oxide suitable? For whom not?

Laughing gas at the dentist is suitable for a wide range of patients and can even be used safely on children. Even patients who do not have dental anxiety can benefit from dental treatment with laughing gas during lengthy procedures. Laughing gas can allow patients with disabilities or patients with painful conditions such as arthritis to have a more comfortable appointment. It is also a good alternative for patients who are allergic to certain medications and cannot tolerate oral sedation.


Costs of a laughing gas treatment

Treatment with laughing gas is charged according to the time of sedation. We will be happy to give you details about this during a personal consultation.


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Frequently asked questions


Which is better: laughing gas or general anaesthesia?

In a general anaesthetic, the anaesthetic is injected directly into the bloodstream. Artificial respiration and the presence of an anaesthetist are necessary. In contrast, laughing gas does not enter the bloodstream. Instead, it is inhaled. Laughing gas is the only sedation agent used in dentistry on conscious patients. This results in great advantages in communication between dentist and patient.


Does dental fear disappear with laughing gas?

Laughing gas has a relaxing effect so that dental treatment can be carried out without feelings of anxiety or stress. You enter a drowsy state. You no longer care about what is happening around you. Your perception of pain is also significantly reduced. The result is a pleasant dental experience.


Can you extract teeth with laughing gas?

Yes. All dental treatments are possible under laughing gas.


When does the health insurance pay for laughing gas at the dentist?

Usually, insurance companies do not cover the costs of laughing gas treatments. Supplementary insurances differ here. So if you are interested, please check the cost of the treatment with your health insurance company before you go ahead with the treatment.


Can you drive after a laughing gas treatment?

The laughing gas sedation does not entail any physical restrictions (driving a car, operating machines, etc.). After the treatment, the patient can leave the practice normally.

Experiences of anxiety patients


Do you have more questions?


If you think you could benefit from the use of laughing gas at your next dental appointment, talk to your Dental Clinic Lucerne about the options available.

Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Rosanna Himmelfarb
Publication: 08.07.2021 (Updated: 09.07.2021)
This article corresponds to the current state of science.

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