Endometry / machinery preparation of root canals

Root canal treatments are performed in the Dental Clinic Lucerne using the endometrial length measurement, through which the length of the root canals can accurately be determined. In addition, we use the latest method of modern mechanical root canal preparation with the reciprocal single-file technology. 

The innovative, highly flexible nickel titanium file, adapts to the shape of the root canal, enabling a gentle preparation of most root canals with one highly flexible gold file. We use the files only once per patient and dispose it after each treatment. To prevent contact with bacteria in the saliva, the treated tooth is isolated during treatment with a rubber dam. Thus we achieve a clean and dry field.

Endodontic irrigation fluids are activated effectively hydrodynamically with the EndoActivator and by doing this leftover bacteria in the root canals is eliminated. The activated fluid contributes to effective cleaning and disinfection of all areas of the root canals.

An additional laser irradiation of only a short period of time and in most cases in only one session causes unprecedented decontamination of the root canal system far into the surrounding dentin and side channels.


Highly flexible nickel titanium file in a root canal

By applying these modern treatment methods of endodontics, we increase the chances of long-term success of your root canal treatment.

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