Out treatment methods for you

June 17, 2016

from Rosanna Himmelfarb

Letztes Update:  Monday, January 23, 2017

Precision work with optical support
Good vision is indispensable during the dental treatment in the dentist's dental practice. Not all the well-known lamps above the treatment chair in dental practice are sufficient. Particularly in the case of interventions in the microsurgical area or in the treatment of the root canal of a tooth, a sufficient enlargement of the treatment field and corresponding illumination is indispensable. This is ensured in the dental clinic of the dentist Lucerne with special magnifying eyeglasses with LED lighting in order to achieve long-term optimized results.
Innovative technologies in the root canal treatment at the dentist Lucerne
A special feature in the Dental Clinic Lucerne is the root canal treatment with innovative devices of the latest generation. This special concept of machine-assisted treatment and the use of endodontic irrigation fluids increases the success of the long-term maintenance. The endometric length measurement of the root canal and its preparation by means of highly flexible files makes an important contribution to the safe performance. This ensures maximum safety and a gentle treatment. In addition, patients benefit from reduced treatment time. The instruments used are single-use instruments, which means that the high demands of the dentist's practice are met by hygienic measures. In our Dental Clinic Lucerne the highest standards are implemented.
Minimal intervention in the tooth substance
The Dental Clinic Lucerne attaches great importance to a minimally invasive preparation of teeth. Care is to be taken to minimize the amount of tooth decay which is as little as possible in order to preserve the tooth, but to reliably free it from caries. Only dental composite fillings are used for fillings, which can no longer be distinguished from one's own tooth. In the case of strongly weakened tooth substance, an inlay made of full ceramics is the first choice.
Taking into consideration the highest standards of quality, the dental practice of the Dental Clinic Lucerne places great emphasis on modern hygiene management. All instruments, including the turbines and angle pieces that come into contact with the patient, are reprocessed after each treatment.



Rosanna Himmelfarb

Dr.med. Dr.med.dent. Rosanna Himmelfarb
Master of Science in Orale Implantologie / Inhaberin

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